More than You Know



Our mighty voices vibrate -
shattering barriers
and building bridges
where once there were none.
Rippling out over years,
reaching generations unknown.

More than You Know is a textural, handwoven tapestry of white, sand, rust, and azure blue. The soft neutral fibers and a crown of chip beads encircle a stunning blue apatite pendant, known to inspire inner vision, knowledge, and purpose.

More than You Know - Process Video.png

About Apatite

  • “Apatite is named for the Greek word apate, which means "deceit", since Apatite is similar in appearance to many other minerals. Apatite describes a group of similar isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. The primary Apatite group includes Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite, and Hydroxylapatite. The extended Apatite supergroup describes additional minerals such as Pyromorphite, Mimetite, and Vanadinite, but these are described individually in this guide.” -

  • “Apatite generally forms as well-shaped hexagonal crystals, which may be prismatic, dipyramidal, and stubby. Also as flat, tabular plates, columnar, in stacked parallel growths, as globular masses, acicular, grainy, stalactitic, botryoidal, and earthy. Also in enormous beds of massive material, from which industrial phosphorus is mined.” -

  • “Important Apatite localities in Europe include Ehrenfriedersdorf, in the Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany, a classic locality which is also the type locality for this mineral. Panasqueira, Portugal, is well-known for its thick and gemmy tabular Apatite crystals.

    Deep blue crystals come from Sludyanka, in Lake Baikal area, Russia…

    In Brazil, deep blue Apatite crystals come from Ipira, Bahia; and the state of Minas Gerais has several outstanding occurrences such as the Sapo mine, in Conselheiro Pena; Golconda, in Governador Valadares; Pederneira, in Sao Jose da Safira; and Galileia.” -

  • “Apatite is the main source of phosphorus. Phosphorus was previously extracted from crystalline Apatite, but nowadays is extracted from enormous deposits of Apatite-rich rock. Apatite is essential in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers, and is very important in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Apatite is also a popular collectors mineral, and some transparent specimens are faceted for collectors. The gemmy violet and reddish forms are very much valued by collectors and command high prices.” -

  • Blue apatite promotes:

    • positivity

    • knowledge

    • personal growth

    • problem solving

    • humanitarianism

    -Crystal Vault


Wild and Waiting


Quiet Courage