The Wolves of the Red Woods
An allegorical poem on fear, resilience, and unity in the wake of the 2024 presidential election.
Resetting in Nature: Noticing the Quiet When Life Gets Noisy
Nothing recharges my creativity and general sense of wellbeing like forest bathing. Trekking into the woods grounds me, reminding me to breathe and take notice. It mutes the outside world for a moment, allowing me to reset when life gets too noisy.
Translating Anxiety into Art: Inspiration and Resonance (Part 5)
…The guilt, anxiety, and fear I’d carried for so long stared back at me, translated into gritty black strokes, stark against the white of the paper like nothing I’d ever painted before.
Translating Anxiety into Art: The First Bloom (Part 4)
Oliver’s surgery was successful and he recovered much more quickly than expected. My boy grew stronger over the next several months, but I didn’t. Jason suggested that I sign up for an art class to begin recovering the pieces of myself that I’d lost.
Translating Anxiety into Art: Underwater (Part 3)
Leaving the house led to being assaulted by well-meaning questions about Oliver’s health that I couldn’t answer. Not only was it too painful to discuss casually, I didn’t have the answers. Every cardiology appointment made me feel like I was underwater and couldn’t come up for air again until we were back in the car.
Translating Anxiety into Art: Without Explanation (Part 2)
He was here. Warm in my arms, smelling of milk and hope, but I was still holding my breath… Within the hour and without explanation, he was rushed to the NICU.
Translating Anxiety into Art: Pregnancy and Possibility (Part 1)
During my first trimester, I devoured every book on pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding I could get my hands on. While research usually provides me with a sense of control, the more I learned about potential complications, devastating mortality statistics, and endless decisions to make, the more quickly I spiraled.
Experimenting Forwards and Backwards
Though I’ve been designing digitally for years, there has always been a clear distinction between this work and what I’ve considered my artwork.
Footfall of the Flower Spring
For the past year, I’ve been swimming in ancient Greek myths and modern retellings. What started as casually listening to a children’s mythology podcast with my son on long car rides quickly became a revisiting of tales I hadn’t read since high school. Of these, the story that draws me in time and again is Persephone’s.
The Road Not Taken: Eastward Inspiration
An unexpected adventure paved the way for the Eastward Idols Collection, which blends the beauty of nature with the echoes of creatives heroes and heroines whom I’ve long admired.
Unmasking the Artist: On confronting insecurity for a magazine feature
When my work is celebrated or recognized, I feel like I’m preparing for a performance. I cling to my mask, tamping down meltdowns, fighting back tears, and trying to ignore the negative self-talk. I obsess over the details, trying to make every aspect of my life look effortless. In short, it looks like I really have my shit together.
From Inspiration to Creation: The Dragons of DeForest Public Art Project (Part 2)
Follow the journey of artist, Mindy Wara, as she paints a five-foot-tall fiberglass dragon statue for the Village of DeForest’s public art exhibition. Part two of this series delves into the process of gathering inspiration, dealing with delays, and the overwhelming tasks of actually getting started.
From Inspiration to Creation: The Dragons of DeForest Public Art Project (Part 1)
Follow the journey of artist, Mindy Wara, and her participation in a public art project in Wisconsin’s Yahara River watershed. In this post, discover the inspiration behind the work and how this dragon statue connects to the Yahara River clean water conservation efforts. This is part 1 of a series of posts on the Dragons of DeForest public art exhibition.
Streamline Your Marketing Workflow with My Top 10 Most Used Digital Tools
As a one-woman business and self proclaimed tech-nerd, I’m always on the lookout for the best tools to help me create compelling content, improve my workflow, and enhance my productivity.
Over the years, I’ve tried more tools and websites than I can count, but there are a few that I’ve been using for years - and some that are new favorites - that have completely streamlined my content planning and creation processes!
In the Moment
Racing the edge of the honey-thick sunrise, \ I reach for the horizon as it dissolves to blue…
Powered from Within
The light has shifted, \ flashing a silent song to the surface \ that, somehow, I’ve never heard before…
Quiet Courage
Silence holds dignity close to her chest. \ Standing her ground - calmly \ and with resolve…
More than You Know
Our mighty voices vibrate - \ shattering barriers \ and building bridges \ where once there were none…
Wild and Waiting
Anchored to this desk, \ the sun is gleaming \ and time holds his breath…
Shielded by Intuition
Armed with awareness \ and shielded by intuition, \ I push forward from the inside out…