Quiet Courage



Silence holds dignity close to her chest.
Standing her ground - calmly
and with resolve.

Brimming with conviction,
“like a tree that’s planted by the water”
Silence shall not be moved.

Unexcitable and unyielding,
she speaks volumes.

Hung from a blonde and gold poplar dowel, Quiet Courage is a highly-textured tapestry of natural and synthetic fibers. This wall hanging features a bloodstone pendant and beads. Bloodstone is said to bring courage, confidence, and protection to those who possess it.

Quiet Courage - Process Video.png

About Bloodstone (Heliotrope)

  • “Bloodstone is a dark green to dark bluish-green variety of Chalcedony that is speckled with red or brown spots. The spotting appears similar to blood stains, as is indicative of the name of this gemstone. The spots may be very sparse to almost non-existent, or they may be very dense and interwoven. Bloodstone may also have red markings as stripes or veins, though spotting is the most prevalent and desirable habit.” - Minerals.net

  • “The red or brown spots in Bloodstone are formed by iron oxide impurities, especially Hematite. The solid green color is caused by dense inclusions of Chlorite or amphibole minerals inside the Chalcedony. The base color of Bloodstone may be solid green, but it often has an uneven color distribution, with lighter and darker green zones, or even bluish-gray or dark yellow streaks and spots.” - Mineral.net

  • “Bloodstone sources include India, Madagascar, Brazil, China, Australia, and Germany.” - Minerals.net

  • “Bloodstone is most often cut into cabochons and beads, where it is used in bracelets and necklaces, and sometimes rings. It is only occasionally cut into other gemstone facets. Bloodstone has been traditionally used as a seal stone, and is sometimes carved into small carvings and figures.” - Mineral.net

  • Bloodstone promotes:

    • courage

    • solace

    • altruism

    • protection

    • strength

    • decision making

    • motivation

    • creativity

    • prosperity

    -Crystal Vault


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