Powered from Within



The light has shifted,
flashing a silent song to the surface
that, somehow, I’ve never heard before.

The tempo ticks within me.
A heartbeat crescendos
to a symphony - percussion
that shakes me to my knees,
but nobody hears a sound.

I hum the tune
to anyone
who will listen. But -

nobody knows
or nobody cares.

The light has shifted,
flashing a silent song to the surface
and it is just for me.

A spectrum of colored yarns and threads peek through textural shades of grey in Powered from Within. Labradorite chip beads are woven into this wall hanging compliment the labradorite pendant suspended in negative space. Labradorite appears to shift color be lit from within; this stone is known to bring about transformation, awareness, and creativity.

Powered from Within - Process Video.png

About Laradorite

  • “Labradorite is an important feldspar gemstone. It often displays a beautiful iridescent play of colors, which can move as the stone is rotated. Labradorite gemstones usually have a dark base color with metallic-looking color plays of blue, green, yellow, and red. This iridescent effect is commonly known as labradorescence, and is named after this stone. It is caused by internal fractures that reflect light back and forth, dispersing it into different colors.” - Minerals.net

  • “Labradorite rarely forms in crystals. When it does, they are generally tabular and often twinned. Most commonly occurs massive , grainy , as elongated fragments, as chunky masses, and rounded…

    It forms in igneous environments in diabase, and in contact metamorphic rocks.” - Mineral.net

  • “The main sources of Labradorite are Canada (Labrador and Newfoundland), Finland, Ukraine, Madagascar, and Australia.” - Minerals.net

  • “Labradorite is a popular mineral, and it makes a unique gemstone. It is cut and polished into cabochons and beads, and occasionally as other facets. Some exquisite ornaments are carved out of large Labradorite chunks.” - Mineral.net

  • Labradorite promotes:

    • intuition

    • self-discovery

    • protection

    • communication

    • congeniality

    -Crystal Vault


Quiet Courage


Ease My Clouded Mind