
Which is harder to endure, birthing a child or the months preceding it?

Exhibited and available for purchase at at the Parallel Artist-Mother Show at The Arts Mill in Grafton, Wisconsin from October 15 - December 9, 2021.

It is primal and instinctual.
It connects you to your ancestors.
It possesses you
with the ancient, feminine power
that’s been a part of you since



Birth grounds you.

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But before the power, there is fear.

Fear of the unknown.
Fear of pain.
Fear of complications.
Fear of the statistics.
Fear of the seemingly inevitable.

32.9 per 10,000 maternal deaths occurred in 2021. While these statistics are staggering in and of themselves, Black women are 2-6 times more likely to die due to birth complications than White women. The mortality rate for Black infants is more than double that of White infants.

We can do better.
We must do better.

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In the United States,

Perinatal Health Resources

  • HEAR Her

    “Women know their own bodies better than anyone and can often tell when something does not feel right. The HEAR Her campaign seeks to encourage partners, friends, family, coworkers, and providers—anyone who supports pregnant and postpartum women—to really listen when she tells you something doesn’t feel right. Acting quickly could help save her life.”

    - Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Doula Care

    ‘According to DONA international, a doula is a trained, non-clinical, professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a pregnant person before, during, and after childbirth. Studies have shown that this type of personalized and continuous support for women improves not only the birth experience and the physical and psychological outcomes for a mother and baby, but also has a positive impact on the well-being of a whole family. A Cochrane review found that there are no downsides or adverse effects of doula support.”

    - Institute for Healthcare Improvement

  • Momnibus Act 2021

    “Black moms across the U.S. are facing a severe health crisis—they’re dying at 3x times the rate of White women. Become an advocate and call policymakers to prioritize the maternal health of our nation’s Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) through the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2021.”

    - March of Dimes

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