Eastward Idols


I’m Mindy Wara,

Whether you are moved by the beauty of a sun-dappled forest, impediments to human rights, or a more internal struggle, your experience is valid. Acknowledging the power of our emotional lives is the first step towards understanding and growth.

I explore the relationship between our inner lives and the world around us.

 Perinatal anxiety and mood disorders and other reproductive health resources linked at the bottom of the Postpartum Collection Gallery.

What Collectors Are Saying...

“I just received your art and I’m absolutely BLOWN AWAY. It’s my favorite piece of art I’ve ever owned - hands down. I think I audibly gasped when I opened it up. (and btw - amazing touches with your packaging and hand-written note… so lovely!)

I’m so honored that you’ve shared your talent with me. I cannot wait to put this on display.”

— Kevin

“Thank you, Mindy, for creating this beautiful piece for my husband’s birthday!”

— Bree

Womb is the first piece of art that truly spoke to me and moved me in ways I can’t even begin to explain.

This is exactly how being pregnant felt - like a deep, dark, never ending hole. Pregnancy after loss is something many people don’t talk about. It is terrifying, and it feels like the journey will never end, or at least without a happy ending.

Despite it all, this painting brings me a sense of peace and nostalgia.”

— Tricia

Your art matches my ceramic tile in the kitchen perfectly. My wife and I are both pleased. You are a very talented artist. Thank you!”

— Fred