This collection translates the quiet, internal struggles of motherhood into a visual language of gritty black abstractions and fleshy rust tones against stark whites. These works, products of rediscovery and healing, allow our isolation to fade as we begin to feel seen and heard. By being open and honest with ourselves and each other, we cultivate a community that becomes a source of power, empathy, and validation.

TRIGGER WARNING: Video includes a photograph of an infant post-heart surgery.

373 Weeks in the Making

It took 373 weeks after becoming pregnant for the Postpartum Collection to come to fruition.

During my first trimester, I devoured every book on pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding that I could get my hands on; but eventually, repeatedly encountering the devastating maternal mortality rates in the United States sent my anxiety spiraling. I found my power in childbirth and, for a couple days, let my guard down – until my son was rushed to the NICU and I plummeted into a deep depression. I felt like I was constantly failing, but was too ashamed to seek help.

I found the smallest ray of light in a watercolor course my husband gifted to me after my son’s recovery. Much like becoming a mother, I was immediately humbled, frustrated, and in love with the medium and wanted to learn all I could. I was still struggling, but was able to create again. Not long after, I delved into weaving and began advocating for women’s health issues. I found the courage to get professional help around my son’s fifth birthday and am finally ready to share my story.

Perinatal Health & Advocacy Resources

Perinatal Health Practitioner Resources