The Easiest Way to Stretch Watercolor Paper
Watercolor 101 Mindy Wara Watercolor 101 Mindy Wara

The Easiest Way to Stretch Watercolor Paper

One of the most valuable things I have learned about working in watercolor has nothing to do with the paint and everything to do with the paper. Without a uniform, flat surface to work on, the beauty of your brushstrokes is completely ruined. This can be enough for an aspiring watercolorist to give up the medium all together. Luckily, once you know how to stretch your paper properly, this won’t happen to you!

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Commission Story: Home Portrait
Mindy Wara Mindy Wara

Commission Story: Home Portrait

As you already know, our family bought and moved to our first home last November. After we settled in, the sellers commissioned a portrait of the house. Knowing this was their first home and how much love they filled it with, I wanted to make sure to captured the warm, sunny essence that made us fall in love with it in the first place.

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New Home, New Studio
Studio News Mindy Wara Studio News Mindy Wara

New Home, New Studio

Our family recently moved from a small townhouse in Madison to our new house in Sun Prairie. Leaving our home of five years – where we brought Oliver home from after he was born, where he took his first steps, where we became a family – has been bittersweet, but we have been ready for a change for a long time. What better time than when we are spending so much time at home?

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