Footfall of the Flower Spring
Studio News Mindy Wara Studio News Mindy Wara

Footfall of the Flower Spring

For the past year, I’ve been swimming in ancient Greek myths and modern retellings. What started as casually listening to a children’s mythology podcast with my son on long car rides quickly became a revisiting of tales I hadn’t read since high school. Of these, the story that draws me in time and again is Persephone’s.

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Unmasking the Artist: On confronting insecurity for a magazine feature
Mental Health, Studio News Mindy Wara Mental Health, Studio News Mindy Wara

Unmasking the Artist: On confronting insecurity for a magazine feature

When my work is celebrated or recognized, I feel like I’m preparing for a performance. I cling to my mask, tamping down meltdowns, fighting back tears, and trying to ignore the negative self-talk. I obsess over the details, trying to make every aspect of my life look effortless. In short, it looks like I really have my shit together.

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From Inspiration to Creation: The Dragons of DeForest Public Art Project (Part 1)
Studio News Mindy Wara Studio News Mindy Wara

From Inspiration to Creation: The Dragons of DeForest Public Art Project (Part 1)

Follow the journey of artist, Mindy Wara, and her participation in a public art project in Wisconsin’s Yahara River watershed. In this post, discover the inspiration behind the work and how this dragon statue connects to the Yahara River clean water conservation efforts. This is part 1 of a series of posts on the Dragons of DeForest public art exhibition.

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New Home, New Studio
Studio News Mindy Wara Studio News Mindy Wara

New Home, New Studio

Our family recently moved from a small townhouse in Madison to our new house in Sun Prairie. Leaving our home of five years – where we brought Oliver home from after he was born, where he took his first steps, where we became a family – has been bittersweet, but we have been ready for a change for a long time. What better time than when we are spending so much time at home?

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