Translating Anxiety into Art: Inspiration and Resonance (Part 5)
…The guilt, anxiety, and fear I’d carried for so long stared back at me, translated into gritty black strokes, stark against the white of the paper like nothing I’d ever painted before.
Translating Anxiety into Art: The First Bloom (Part 4)
Oliver’s surgery was successful and he recovered much more quickly than expected. My boy grew stronger over the next several months, but I didn’t. Jason suggested that I sign up for an art class to begin recovering the pieces of myself that I’d lost.
Creating Texture with Tissue Paper and Gesso
While I love the textures I can create with watercolor alone, I am always looking for new techniques to add to my repertoire!
Covering the Basics: Watercolor Washes
When you begin working in watercolor, you will may find yourself excited, frustrated, and humbled all in the same painting session. With its fluid nature, it is a tough medium to learn if you don’t understand the basics. Let’s dive into creating washes!
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Watercolor Paper, but Were Afraid to Ask
If you have talked with any seasoned watercolorists, you know that they are picky about their paper - and with good reason! The quality of your paper determines the quality of your final product and how long it will last.
The Easiest Way to Stretch Watercolor Paper
One of the most valuable things I have learned about working in watercolor has nothing to do with the paint and everything to do with the paper. Without a uniform, flat surface to work on, the beauty of your brushstrokes is completely ruined. This can be enough for an aspiring watercolorist to give up the medium all together. Luckily, once you know how to stretch your paper properly, this won’t happen to you!
New to Watercolor? The Supplies You Need that Fit Your Budget!
Shopping for watercolor supplies can be intimidating when you first start out. With so many different price points and brands to chose from, how are you supposed to know which supplies you need to get started?
What I Did Last Year that Changed My Watercolor Practice
I found myself painting most days throughout June and stumbled upon the World Watercolor Month challenge. Somewhere to focus my energy at a time when the world was on lockdown and I had time on my hands. I invested in professional quality supplies and dove headfirst into the challenge, not coming up for air until August.
Leaning into Expressive Landscapes
Since the move, I have been a lot more intentional with my painting practice and screen time. Most days after work, our family heads to the studio instead of the living room.